Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity Three

The group was authentic collaborative in many regards. Given the time constraints and busy schedules that we all possess, it was difficult to meet as a group.  Many of us had work or other responsibilities to tend to.  However, the assignment allowed us to collaborate in a way I’ve yet to encounter as a student.  Opening up our spreadsheet is like opening our own personalized database.  We have a plethora of options to choose from; whether it’s to gain personal knowledge, or as an aid to help in tutoring younger students.  I was really shocked to see how the finished product turned out so resourceful.  
In looking up different links, I noticed that not all of the sites rely directly on teaching English through technology.  If you look closely though, there will always be an interest, a question, or something that invokes thought and can be opened up in an English-based classroom.  
This interactivity shed some light onto the teacher observation I just completed for READ 411.  In my reflection, I felt that my teacher relied too heavily on technology in the classroom, specifically Power Point.  What I’m beginning to understand is that he just overly used one technology.  The Power Point presentation served as a lecture guideline, and I saw the class fall into the same boredom we think of in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The point is, technology wasn’t being used as a catalyst toward intellectual development.  If cites were used like planetlesson and huffenglish I personally believe students would become more involved and interested in pursuing the subject not only in educational spheres but on their own as well. 

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