Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4

I chose this particular lesson plan because I feel it encompasses a wide range of technological skills.  Students have the opportunity to exercise these skills after they have learned the background knowledge to how Wikipedia came about and how it continues to flourish.  Through this lesson plan, students are taught to analyze the information they are presented.  As we know, much of what we get from the internet is fallacious information.  The lesson highlighted the importance of citing several different outposts of information to check it's credibility, and bringing them together in a collaborative and accurate manner.  

The gaps in curriculum goals and teaching strategies that I noticed were certain literary aspects.  For example, the lesson plan did not highlight the importances of character and plot development.  Some of the more fundamental literary components could have been touched on more, but overall the lesson plan highlighted a broad range of curriculum goals.  Figurative language was paramount; along with cultural experiences and themes of social issues.  The students worked on their analytical skills, and collaborated towards producing a coherent successful final product.  

The Wiki technology practice was essential in digging into the importance of being discriminatory of the information you receive over the internet.  Students need to be utilizing the internet purposefully, and digesting accurate information.  Otherwise, this beneficial means of attaining information will have a counter-effect and students will be taking in false information. 


  1. I really liked your lesson plan as it was twofold and accomplished more than one goal. The students in this class would have learned to critically read lyrics and how to incorporate writing into the technological classroom. From an English perspective, I think music is often overlooked as a means to express emotions through writing. English teachers are far too focused on the traditional ways of expressing through writing. I have used wikis in the classroom before and it is really wonderful as it opens up a new venue for students to freely and comfortably write. And most importantly like you mentioned, wikis are so powerful because students can constantly revisit their work and make changes.

  2. Michael, I noticed in your lesson plan matrix that you mentioned that freedom was a societal wrong. Can you help me further understand your thinking on this?

  3. Kevin, you're right it was somewhat of a typo. I was thinking along the lines of societal issues and freedom is the one at large. Didn't realize I began with "the wrongs of.." followed by 'isms' that are wrong, the question of freedom is the one that encompasses it all. If we have all these biases, then are we really free?
